Maphis Nursery and Tree Farm
Making the World Beautiful One Plant at a Time
Landscapes, Gardens & More in the Florida Panhandle
August 2020
Well covid-19 is still with us. It looks like we have more active cases in the area than we had a month ago. I do not know because I still have no idea how many have gotten well, are still in the hospital or are just walking around out there. Confusing isn’t it. Well ya’ll figure it out. My job is plants.
I have just finished planting peas and corn in July. They should be up soon. That is the first part of my summer-fall garden. Peas were black-eye and cream 8. The corn was tropical. Hopefully, we will have fresh ones to put up and eat until frost. Tomatoes have been planted and hopefully will be up soon. There are other things you can plant now and have them ready before frost.
If you are not into a summer garden, then you need to be getting the ground or raised beds ready for fall. Be sure to keep the weeds out of the garden area. They can be trouble if they get grown and seed. Watch for fire ants and take care of them early on.
I have also been working in the orchard some and the blackberries need attention. They are growing and the new shoots need tying up. I fertilized them the first of July and have many new shoots. Looks like a good crop next year.
Planted more citrus in the orchard. This year we have satsumas, grapefruit, kumquats, navel and a few amber sweet oranges. This past winter did not hurt us. The citrus is thriving. You can still plant citrus if it comes in a pot with the root system. Just be sure and keep it well watered.
While you are in the orchard, check the muscadines. Mine are beginning to get ripe and we have already started eating them. The wine muscadines are loaded and I believe that Brenda is going to put up jelly with them. Cannot hardly wait.
I wish each one of you a successful year. Let us know if we can be of help here at the nursery. We have a great supply of most everything you need. Call or text us at 850-638-8243, visit us on the web at www.maphisnurseryandtreefarm.com or just come by and see us for all your landscape needs at 1534 Orange Hill Rd here in Chipley, Fl.