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Landscapes, Gardens & More in the Florida Panhandle

March 2018

The month of March is significant in the Panhandle of Florida. Mom looked at the month as a major change. She said if it came in like a lion it would go out as a lamb. What did she mean by this? This was a reference to weather. Mostly the wind. We all know that spring starts in the month of March and along with it spring cleaning. Also the garden and yard become important things that require our attention.

The yard.

The winter and spring weeds are at war in the lawn and so we repair the mower and began an assault on them. Getting the weeds cut off before they flower eliminates the seeds for next year. Maybe we can even kill a few of them this way. As the grass starts growing and we are mowing the real lawn it is time to think about fertilizing it. A soil test is not a bad idea. With the information from the soil test we can go to the local store and obtain the right fertilizer. Be sure and apply it according to the soil test requirements. Don’t put all of it on at one time. Make two applications about two months apart.

While we are working on the lawn be sure to feed all the other plants in the yard. They are just as hungry as the grass. Do them twice also. Be careful with the fertilizers you use on the shrubbery and trees. Some of them may require a high acid fertilizer while others do not. There is a special fertilizer for azaleas and camellias.

Before you quit on the yard, test all of the irrigation. Algae has a way of dying in the lines in the winter and stopping up all the sprinkler filters the first time you turn it on. If you do not know how to clean and repair your system, you may contact us for advice or we can send someone out to do this for you.

We have worked on the yard and it looks real good with the new mulch and plants that we have added. So let’s look at the Garden. We have already planted the potatoes and it is almost time to do the green beans. The ground is prepared and the seed is in hand. A little research will tell us that it is still too early for some garden plants such as okra and tomatoes. The time is right for onions, and early greens along with sweet corn. A visit to the local seed store will help us determine what it is time to plant. When the time is right, we can continue planting until the job is finished.

Alternative Garden.

As we have mentioned in other articles, raised beds are a real option for people who are limited in their ability to bend over or mobility. Most of the plants that we put in the ground can be planted in these beds. If the beds are up off the ground, consider putting tomatoes in seven gallon pots and potatoes in fifteen gallon ones. We can help you with this at the nursery. Another advantage to the raised beds is weeding. If they are two feet above the ground weeds are not a problem. Only a few will get in the bed and pulling them out is easy.

Well maybe I understand the lion and lamb better now. In the beginning the job was so big it was like tackling a lion but now that the job is done things are meek as a lamb. Enjoy your yard and garden.

Remember we are here at Maphis Nursery & Tree Farm to help you be successful in the yard and garden.

850-638-8243 located at 1534 Orange Hill RD.

Maphis Nursery and Tree Farm

1534 Orange Hill Road

(Alternate address for same location: 806 Rattlebox Road - use with Apple products)

Chipley, FL 32428

(850) 638-8243 (text available)

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