Maphis Nursery and Tree Farm
Making the World Beautiful One Plant at a Time
This Is a general spray schedule. Other sprays with different ingredient are available and work well.
If you need help, contact your county office. Some numbers are provided below.
January - Apply Malathion with oil application to help eliminate scale, fungus and insect eggs left for spring hatching.
February - Buds are beginning to brake and blooms will soon show. Do not apply any pesticides at this time. You need the insects that are pollinators .
March - When all of the petals have fallen off the blooms, it is time to start a consistent spray program to prevent the plum curio larvae from entering the fruit. Be sure and follow the label directions of the manufacturer. A combination fruit tree spray will also eliminate the brown spot fungus that attacks peaches and nectarines.
April - Continue the spray program. If your program does not seem to be working, contact your County Agent/Horticulture Specialist.
Washington County.... 850-638-6180
Jackson County…...…850-482-9620
Holmes County….....…850-547-1108
Liberty County….........850-643-2229
Bay County…….....…..850-784-6105
May - Fruit are getting ripe. Review your pesticide label so that you can stop your spray program in order to eliminate pesticide from your diet.
June - Fruit are getting ripe. Review your pesticide label so that you can stop your spray program in order to eliminate pesticide from your diet.
July - Fruit are getting ripe. Review your pesticide label so that you can stop your spray program in order to eliminate pesticide from your diet.
August - After you harvest fruit, continue with your fruit tree spray.
September - Continue with your fruit tree spray
October - Unless you have a special problem, you do not need to spray.
November - Unless you have a special problem, you do not need to spray. NOW IS THE TIME TO PRUNE. IF YOU NEED HELP, CHECK OUR CLASS SCHEDULE.
December - Apply dormant oil spray after leaves are off. Apply two (2) times approximately three (3) weeks apart. Outside temperatures should be between 50 and 85 degrees while applying.