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This Is a general spray schedule. Other sprays with different ingredient are available and work well.


If you need help, contact your county office. Some numbers are provided below.

January - Apply Malathion with oil application to help eliminate scale, fungus and insect eggs left for spring hatching.

February - Buds are beginning to brake and blooms will soon show. Do not apply any pesticides at this time. You need the insects that are pollinators .

March - When all of the petals have fallen off the blooms, it is time to start a consistent spray program to prevent the plum curio larvae from entering the fruit. Be sure and follow the label directions of the manufacturer. A combination fruit tree spray will also eliminate the brown spot fungus that attacks peaches and nectarines.

April - Continue the spray program. If your program does not seem to be working, contact your County Agent/Horticulture Specialist.

                                                                 Washington County.... 850-638-6180

                                                                 Jackson County…...…850-482-9620

                                                                 Holmes County….....…850-547-1108

                                                                 Liberty County….........850-643-2229

                                                                 Bay County…….....…..850-784-6105

May - Fruit are getting ripe. Review your pesticide label so that you can stop your spray program in order to eliminate pesticide from your diet.

June - Fruit are getting ripe. Review your pesticide label so that you can stop your spray program in order to eliminate pesticide from your diet.

July - Fruit are getting ripe. Review your pesticide label so that you can stop your spray program in order to eliminate pesticide from your diet.

August - After you harvest fruit, continue with your fruit tree spray.

September - Continue with your fruit tree spray

October - Unless you have a special problem, you do not need to spray.

November - Unless you have a special problem, you do not need to spray. NOW IS THE TIME TO PRUNE. IF YOU NEED HELP, CHECK OUR CLASS SCHEDULE.

December -  Apply dormant oil spray after leaves are off.  Apply two (2) times approximately three (3) weeks apart.  Outside temperatures should be between 50 and 85 degrees while applying.

Maphis Nursery and Tree Farm

1534 Orange Hill Road

(Alternate address for same location: 806 Rattlebox Road - use with Apple products)

Chipley, FL 32428

(850) 638-8243 (text available)

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