Maphis Nursery and Tree Farm
Making the World Beautiful One Plant at a Time
Landscapes, Gardens & More in the Florida Panhandle
June 2020
June is a great month. It is time to start harvesting your garden. The squash and green beans should be in along with the new potatoes. Maybe you even have a few ears of early corn also. This is a super month because all your hard work is paying off. It is a thrill for the first-time gardener as well as for the experienced one. Enjoy the garden you have had time to plant and care for with your family. I bet the grand kids had a wonderful time also.
The virus did not have a completely bad effect on us. It gave us time to do things as a family. Time to enjoy one another and learn together. I know it has been a learning experience for many of you because of all the questions we have answered here at the nursery. It has been a pleasure to help each and every one of you with an education in gardening and in planting fruit trees.
Especially the fruit trees because they are something that will continue giving to the family for a long time. All the peaches, apples, nectarines, pears, and plums you will enjoy. Don’t forget the blueberries. They will give you a crop the very first year. I hope each of you is picking and eating them in the orchard.
We look forward to a continuing relationship with each of you. As the country opens up, don’t forget what you have learned, the relationship built with the family and neighbors. Keep on gardening and planting the orchard and you will never be caught short again.
Until next time God Bless and remember us at 850-638-4839, and here at 1534 Orange Hill Road. Questions and photos please.